Using the FASM Assembler

If there is a project in which you need to assemble code in a C# project, you found the right place. I’ll be using the flatassembler ( and it’s FASM.dll (which you can download in the forum to achieve this. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 // remove fixed(stackalloc) if buffer gets to big to fit on the stack or if safe context is needed, it is only used for performance here fixed (byte* pBytes = stackalloc byte[64]) // 64 is the size of the buffer for the assembled instructions { if (FasmAssemble("use32\nXOR EAX,EBX", pBytes, 64, 16, IntPtr....

October 24, 2023 Â· Jannis

CVE-2023-38146 with Impacket SMBServer

On a recent CTF machine, I had to exploit the Windows 11 ThemeBleed vulnerability ( for which at that time only one PoC existed that only ran under Windows. This was a pain for me because I hadn’t installed the required VPN on Windows. And as I’m interested in learning new stuff, I decided to dive into this. It can’t be too hard, right? TL;DR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 git clone https://github....

October 20, 2023 Â· Jannis